The Courier from Waterloo, Iowa (2024)

9vsd Tuesday, May 3, 1988 Waterloo Courier Page B3 DAILY RECORD Waterloo Fire Alarms Monday: 7:48 a.m., to 600 Park Lane Friendship Village, fire alarm malfunction. 9:46 a.m., to 923 Washington assist Waterloo Fire paramedics with medical call." Department 1:12 p.m., to 2530 University Red Cross, investigated short in 1:42 equipment, advised to call repair man, turned off power supply. found p.m., to 728 Dawson report of unattended burning, investigated and controlled burning, no hazard. 2:13 insulation p.m., to 2724 Lafayette Black Hawk Iron and Metal burning off copper wire, extinguished. 2:19 p.m., to 711 Logan neighbor complained of unattended trash barrel burning, extinguished.

5:07 p.m., to 1852 Murphy Road, 14 large hay bales on fire, owner G.P. Schoenfelder, occupant Loel Hoskins, spontaneous combustion from manure pile. 5:13 p.m., to 1409 Newell Porky's Red Carpet, roof fire, fire in wood shingles being removed, caused by improper use of smoking materials, extinguished. 6:33 p.m., to 160 Harrison report of fire in vacant home, found small fire in first floor bath in tub area, set by person or persons unknown. 6:52 p.m., to 1857 Forest garage fire, extinguished, owner Steven Conrad of Cedar Falls, occupant Renee Smith, set by or person persons unknown, severe loss to building.

9:34 p.m., to 1409 Newell Porky's Red Carpet, smell of smoke, found insulation in attic smoldering, extinguished and removed insulation. 10:43 p.m., to 320 Courtland smoke detector malfunction, disconnected battery, vacant apartment house, reported by neighbor. Police Log: Gary Lamar Hart, 32, of 4024 Niles was arrested on a complaint of assault without intent to commit serious injury. He is accused of hitting and choking his girlfriend, Sonia R. Carter, on Sunday.

Mark Anthony Gardner, 28, of 309 Franklin was arrested on a complaint of assault. No further details were available. Freddie Louis Campbell, 27, of 1027 Steely was arrested on a complaint fourth-degree theft. He is accused of writing a check for $92.56 to Duffy's DX, 435 W. Parker after his account had been closed.

Ronald DeWayne Love, 25, of 403 Wendell Court, was arrested Monday at East Fourth and Almond streets on a complaint of assault. He is accused of assaulting Velveeta Gardner, 31, of 1809 E. Fourth St. Burglaries: A watch, coin set and cash and checks worth $227 were reported stolen from the Evelyn M. Hinkle residence, 2625 Randolph St.

An electric generator and mirror valued at $310 were reported stolen out of a truck belonging to Joseph E. Perkins of 2555 Gloria Drive while the was parked at Petersens 1826 Jefferson St. A door on the vehicle also sustained $200 damage. Thefts: A washtub valued at $400 was reported stolen from a patio at the Jacqueline Roberts residence, 321 Courtland St. A cassette player and equalizer valued at $300 were reported stolen out of a car belonging to Pamela Owens of 309 Allen Apt.

209. A .22 caliber pistol, rifle scope and holster valued at $1,235 were reported stolen from Jack Renner of 205 Greenbrier Road. Cedar Falls Fire Alarms Monday: 10:58 a.m., to 1300 block of 23rd Street, gas spill. 4:54 p.m., call from Black Hawk County Sheriff's Department, tree fire near rifle range at Black Hawk Park, caused by controlled burning, sparks ignited tree. 8:54 p.m., to woods by River Hills School, small grass fire, controlled burning, no damage.

sheriff's log Jim Michael Lund, 19, of 3321 today at Kimball and Mitchell avenues operating while intoxicated. state patrol Gary Wayne Willard, 33, of 124 25 on a complaint of first offense operating while eastbound on County Road D-22. Mount Vernon Drive, was arrested early on a complaint of first offense Fourth Evansdale, was arrested April while intoxicated. He was stopped births Covenant Medical Center- West Ninth DIX, Steven and Sara, of 2118 ValMemorial Hospital ley Park Drive, Cedar Falls, girl NEWCOMB, Dave and Judy, of (May 2). Raymond, boy (May LINK, David and Denise, of 4012 OSTBY, Roy and Melissa, of Wash- Veralta Drive, Cedar Falls, boy burn, girl (May 2).

(May 2). divorces CONDON, married July Kathy 26, L. 1986, and in Timothy DavenGALLOWAY, Bobbie A. and John- port. ny married June 28, 1982, in MARTIN, Colleen M.

and Steven Waterloo. married July 26, 1980, in WaterSCOTT, Patricia K. and Gregory loo. married Oct. 18, 1984, in Bak- BERGMANN, Patricia A.

and ersfield, Calif. Elton married Feb. 15, 1969, in ANDERSON, Stephen J. and Waterloo. Debra married Feb.

14, 1981, in Waverly. MURRAY, Robin S. and Lawrence Stewart K. and Teri married Nov. 10, 1983, in Watermarried July 19, 1980, in Waterloo.

loo. Ousted Cherokee head sued CHEROKEE (AP) Jack Odom, on the missing money. accused of taking more than $3.2 The million from a Cherokee savings and funds from lawsuit alleges that Odom took the through two loan association before being fired as accounts Odom created in the name its president in January, has been of Charles A. Helenberg, a bankrupt sued by the developer from Colorado. In the Cherokee County district court suit, Sioux Valley Savings and Helenberg said Odom used up a Loan Association also obtained a writ $3.5 million line of credit Helenberg of attachment to Odom's home and had obtained from Sioux Valley Savother local property with a total ings and Loan, causing the failure of value of $600,000.

business ventures Helenberg later tried to finance. Odom was "about to convert his into money for the was using an account in our "He property of the names, forging the signatures, funpurpose placing it beyond reach" of the the thrift's cur- neling the money through it and keeprent stated ing it," Helenberg said. "'The bottom president, Larry Manker, in line is I took about a $70 million court documents. bankruptcy in 1986." Odom was ousted as president of the $101 million thrift in the same He said he discovered the had week that transactions were dis- been sending his company monthly covered transferring the statements that were written on a "to his own use and typewriter, while all of the thrift's money according to the lawsuit. other statements were printed by computer.

Odom could not be reached for conduct. "I blame the feds for not catching him sooner," said Helenberg, who Manker declined comment on the owned Wilson Boat Works in Okoboji lawsuit, except to say the is from 1983 until just before the "seeking an accounting" from Odom bankruptcy. SCREEN REPAIR Size or smaller--parts spline extra. SOLAR SHADES MAGNETIC DOORS ENTRANCE DOORS PATIO SCREENS STORM WINDOWS AND STORM DOORS 50 AWNINGS AND DOOR HOODS PATIO COVERS AND SCREEN ROOMS Tax HOURS: POPE WE ALSO DO 8-5 MFG. I GLASS REPAIR Sat.

8-1 Offer Expires 233-8565 June 30, 1988 1502 Jefferson Raymond Schroedemier Joyce E. Rechtfertig Memorial services for Raymond Visitation for Joyce C. Schroedemier, 88, of 205 Wellington Rechtfertig, 61, of 1126 Dixon Drive will be 1 p.m. Wednesday at will be 2 to 4 and 6:30 to 8 p.m. p.m.

Temple of Memories in Garden of today at O'Keefe Towne-Carter Memories Cemetery with burial in Waychoff Funeral Home with burial the cemetery. in Memorial Park Cemetery. Mr. Schroedemier died of com- There will be no services. plications of age Sunday (May 1) at She died of cancer Sunday afterAllen Memorial Hospital.

noon (May 1) at Covenant Medical He was born Sept. 10, 1899, on a Center at Kimball Avenue. farm in Bremer County, son of John Memorials may be made to the and Minnie Hoth Schroedemier. He hospice unit at Covenant Medical married Gladys Solmon in 1924 in Center at Kimball Avenue. Waterloo.

She died in 1980. He was employed by the Waterloo post office for many years. Waldon Survivors of include a sister, Pauline Bessie L. Pfaltzgraff Cedar Falls; and a brother, Walter C. of Cedar Rapids; Services for Bessie L.

Pfaltzgraff, he was preceded in death by a 81, of the Park View Gardens Care brother, Harvey; and a sister, Center and formerly of 1023 W. Lenora Bishop. Mullan Ave. are pending at the ParThe body was cremated. There rot and Wood Guardian Chapel.

will be no visitation. Parrott Wood- She died Monday afternoon (May Guardian Chapel is in charge of ar- 2) at the care center of complications rangements. of age. NE IOWA DEATHS Charlie Shipp Blanche Iverson PLAINFIELD Services and DECORAH Services for burial for Charlie Shipp, 82, of Wood- Blanche Iverson, 90, of Decorah, will land, formerly of Plainfield, be 1:30 p.m. Wednesday at First were in Woodland; he died of cancer Lutheran Church, Decorah; burial in Sunday (May 1) at Woodland; Orleans Lutheran Cemetery, rural survivors include his wife, Clara; Ridgeway; she died Sunday (May 1) three daughters, Lorraine Boyce and at the Aase Haugen Home in Decorah Kathryn Woolridge, both of Van- after a brief illness; survivors incouver, and Carolyn Gibson of clude a two daughter, Alta Nelson of Spokane, two sisters, Nora Decorah; brothers, Victor White of Waverly and Grace Ihde of Benson of Cresco and Truman rural Plainfield; and seven grand- Benson of Pasadena, three sischildren and a great-grandchild; he ters, Lillie Hove and Pearl Cooke, was preceded in death by his first both of Cresco, and Rose Henderson wife, Velma; Mr.

Shipp farmed near of Albert Lea, and three Plainfield and Horton before moving grandchildren and four greatto Washington; correspondence may granchildren; friends may call at be directed to P.O. Box 1035, Wood- Fjelstul Funeral Home after 2 p.m. land, Wash. 98674. Tuesday and at the church for an hour Katie Hopkins AREDALE Services for Katie Hopkins, 91, will be 1:30 p.m.

Thursday at Aredale United Methodist Church, Aredale; burial in Dumont Cemetery; she died of natural caused Monday (May 2) at the Sheffield Care Center, Sheffield; survivors include a daughter, Kathleen White of Aredale; a foster daughter, Irene Shannon of Hampton; and a greatgranddaughter; she was preceded in death by her husband, Howard, in 1968; a grandson; nine brothers and sisters; friends may call after 1 p.m. Wednesday at Vogel Funeral Home, Dumont; Mrs. Hopkins retired as postmistress of the Aredale post office in 1966 after serving for 19 years. George H. Staton INDEPENDENCE Services for George H.

Staton, 81, are pending at White Funeral Home, Independence; he died of natural causes early today (May 3) at his home. Eileen R. Boelter ROWLEY Services for Eileen R. Boelter, 73, will be 1:30 p.m. Wednesday at White Funeral Home, Independence; burial in Rowley Cemetery; she died Monday (May 2) at Peoples Memorial Hospital, Independence, after a lengthy illness; survivors include her husband, Floyd; a son, Philip of Minneapolis; two daughters, Jane Riggs of Denver, and Mary Crafts of Orem, Utah; eight grandchildren; four brothers, Delbert Wilson of Rowley, Leland Wilson of Decorah, Lyle Wilson of Cedar Rapids Jim Wilson of Chandler, and two sisters, Virginia McFarland of Ames and Thelma Hand of Iowa City; she was preceded in death by two brothers, Lloyd and Ralph Wilson; and a half brother, Duane Wilson; friends may call at White Funeral Home, Independence, where a praise and worship service will be at 8 p.m.

today; Mrs. Boelter and her husband owned and operated Boelter Appliance in Rowley for many years. George H. Staton INDEPENDENCE Services for George H. Staton, 81, are pending at White Funeral Home, Independence; he died of natural causes early today (May 3) at his home; friends may call at the funeral home after 7 p.m.

today. before services Wednesday; no memorials are designated. Clareen Schellhase VINTON Services for Clareen Freda Schellhase, 64, will be 1:30 p.m. Thursday at Phillips Funeral Home Chapel, Vinton; burial in Homer-Big Grove Cemetery, rural Garrison; she died Monday (May 2) at Virginia Gay Hospital, Vinton, after a brief illness; survivors include a brother, Bernard Schellhase of Vinton; and a sister, Wilma Callahan of Cedar Rapids; she was preceded in death by two brothers, Clifford in infancy and Lowell; friends may call after 2 p.m. Wednesday at the chapel; a memorial fund has been established; Miss Schellhase had been employed for 16 years at WMT Radio in Cedar Rapids.

William H. Scott INDEPENDENCE Services for William H. Scott, 83, are pending at White Funeral Home, Independence; he died Monday (May 2) at Peoples Memorial Hospital, Independence, after a brief illness. Henry H. Peters ELDORA Services for Henry H.

Peters, 77, will be 1:30 p.m. Wednesday at First Christian Reformed Church, Wellsburg; burial in the church cemetery; he died of a heart ailment Sunday (May 1) at Medical Center, Des Moines; survivors include his wife, Helen; three sons, Marlyn, Harlin and James, all of Eldora; six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren; his stepmother, Martha Peters of Parkersburg; three sisters, Tena Essman of Ackley and Minnie Blohm and Martha Niehaus, both of Grundy Center; a half sister, Esther Dickes of Streamwood, two stepbrothers, Hilko Viet and Bernard Viet, both of Ackley; four stepsisters, Wilma Van Dike of Parkersburg and Frances Flessner, Jennie Janssen and Marlys Arends, all of Ackley; two stepdaughters, Barbara Sanders of Phoenix, and Patricia Oppold of Eldora; and nine stepgrandchildren and four stepgreat-grandchildren; he was preceded in death by his first wife, Tena, in 1969; a sister, Etta DeBeer; and a grandson; friends may call after 3 p.m. today at Andrle-Creps Funeral Home, Eldora; Mr. Peters was a retired farmer. ALLEN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Is pleased to announce the addition of an ELECTRO PHYSIOLOGY LAB EEG Evoked Potential Nerve Conduction EMG with M.

EYAD DUGHLY, M.D. Hours: 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday-Friday Telephone (319)235-3887 Memorial Hospital 1825 LOGAN AVENUE, WATERLOO, IOWA Northeast Iowa's Medical Center Gail Wilbur Gail Wilbur Gail Wilbur Services for Gail Wilbur, 94, of Ravenwood Health Care Center, formerly of 618 W. Third will be 1 p.m. Wednesday at The earns Huisman Schumacher Chapel, with burial in Greenwood Cemetery, Nashua.

She. died Monday (May 2) at Allen Memorial Hos- Gail Wilbur pital of complications of age. She was born Oct. 20, 1893, in Nashua, daughter of H.C. and Kittie Troy Wilbur.

A graduate of East High School, Ms. Wilbur also graduated in 1914 from the Conservatory of Music in Chicago, and Northwestern University, Evanston, in 1926. She was a music supervisor for the Waterloo School District for 44 years, retiring in 1958. Survivors include a sister, Mrs. Dorothy Noah of St.

Simon Island, Ga. 1. Friends may call from noon Wednesday to service time. Memorials may be given to the Grace United Methodist Church or Ravenwood Health Care Center. George L.

Eggleston Services for George L. Eggleston, 65, of 1206 Vermont will be 10 a.m. Wednesday at Sacred Heart Catholic Church with burial in Mount Olivet Cemetery. Mr. Eggleston died of cancer Sunday (May 1) at Covenant Medical Center at Kimball Avenue.

He was born April 5, 1923, in Waverly, son of Milo and Eva E. Fuller Eggleston. He married Zelma Keniston on June 8, 1946, in Waterloo. She died May 1, 1987. He worked for Rath Packing Jenkens Fergamin Printing and Bill Doren Wholesale Florist until retiring in 1985.

He served with the U.S. Army in the Philippines during World War II. Survivors include three daughters, Marlys Baker of Omaha, Laurie Bussey of Denver, and Carol Porter of Oskaloosa; two sons, Gerald Bussey of Kansas City, and David Eggleston of Waterloo; three brothers, Glenn of Atlantic and Russell and LaVern, both of California; four sisters, Vera Collins and Hazel Renner, both of Waverly, May Plavets of Waterloo and Doris Fitch of Charles City; and eight grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren; he was preceded in death by his wife; three brothers, Charles, Richard and Everett; and a sister, Frances. Friends may call at after 4 p.m. today at Locke Funeral Home, where a Scripture service will be at 7:30 p.m.

today. Memorials may be made to the Cedar Valley Hospice. Ralph Brown Services for Ralph Brown, 72, of the Veteran's Home, Marshalltown, formerly of 500 E. Mitchell are pending at The Kearns, HuismanSchumacher Chapel. He died today (May 3) at the Veteran's Home.

The cause of death was not available. Erwin R. Kephart EVANSDALE Services for Erwin R. Kephart, 83, of 4529 Lafayette Road, will be 11 a.m. Wednesday at Garden View Chapel, 3655 Logan with burial in Garden of Memories Cemetery.

He died Monday (May 2) at Ravenwood Health Care Center of complications of age. He was born April 20, 1905, in Dumont, son of Jake and Lola Boots Kephart. He married Laverta Culver. They were later divorced. He then married Maxine Sproul April 6, 1946, in Eldora.

He was a veteran of the U.S. Army, serving during World War II from May 1942 until Oct. 21, 1942. He was employed at John Deere for 22 years retiring in 1962. Survivors include his wife; two sons, Ron of Evansdale and Darrell of Onamia, a stepson, Larry Palmer of Evansdale; a daughter, Darlene Segler of Brainard, a brother, Clayton of Keister, a sister, Rhonda Penticoff of Waterloo; 11 grandchildren; and seven great from grandchildren; friends may 4 to 9 p.m.

today and from 9 a.m. to service time Wednesday at the chapel. Memorials may be made to the family. Jeanette Clara Schares LA PORTE CITY Services for Jeanette Clara Schares, 63, of 8227 Rickard Road, will be 10:30 a.m. Thursday at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Gilbertville, with burial in church cemetery.

She died of cancer Monday (May 2) at Covenant Medical Jeanette Schares Center-West Ninth, Waterloo. She was born June 22, 1924, in Gilbertville, daughter of John and Leona Girsch Mangrich. She and Melvin "Pete" Hemmer were maried Nov. 22, 1944, in Waterloo. He died Aug.

1, 1958. She then married Robert L. Schares Oct. 16, 1961, in Waterloo. Survivors include her husband; four daughters, Shirley Malaise of Waterloo, Patty Miller and Shellie Thompson, both of La Porte City, and Loni Fischels Gilbertville; two sons, Dale J.

Hemmer of Gilbertville and Robert L. Schares Jr. at home; her mother, Leona Mangrich of Waterloo; 10 grandchildren; three sisters, Rosella Soppe of Gilbertville, Helene Lutgen of Gilbertville and Anne Else of Cedar Rapids; and a brother, Jim Mangrich of Raymond. She was preceded in death by her father and three brothers, Tony, Paul and Vince Mangrich. Friends may call after 3 p.m.

today at Oppold Funeral Home, Waterloo, where there will be a rosary at 7 tonight. A 3 p.m. rosary and 7:30 p.m. Scripture service will be Wednesday. Visitation at the funeral home will be after 9 a.m.

Wednesday. Memorials may be made to the church and Don Bosco High School, Gilbertville. 1814464 4806 Nellie Mae Comstock Services for Nellie Mae Comstock, 90, of 411 Linn will be 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at First Lutheran Church with burial in Garden of Memorie: Cemetery. She died of natural causes Sunday (May 1) at Covenant Medical Center at Kimball Avenue.

Friends may call after 2 p.m. today at 0'Keefe Towne-Carter Waychoff Funeral Home, where the family will receive friends from 6:30 to 8 p.m. today. The casket will be open for an hour before services Wednesday at the church. Memorials may be made to First Lutheran Church.

Harold Knight CEDAR FALLS Services for Harold Knight, 76, of Dike, formerly of Cedar Falls, are pending at the Kearns, Huisman and Schumacher Chapel. He died at the Grundy County Hospital early today (May 3) after suffering a stroke. William J. Seemann Services for William J. Seemann, 85, of 1517 W.

11th are pending at French Hand Funeral Home, Reinbeck. He died Monday (May 2) at Covenant Medical Center-Kimball Avenue of natural causes. its of in the FOR INFORMATION CALL 291-4476 WATEALDO PUBLIC LIBRARY We invite you to visit Memorial Park Cemetery in Waterloo to better acquaint yourselves with our grounds and Memorial Chapel. Services Available Include: Lovely Waterloo Location Memorial Chapel available for use at no extra cost. Perpetual quality care for all lots Non-profit operation Lot spaces available for as little as $250 Easy installment payment plans without interest charges Vaults and memorials Veteran's discount MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY "We Believe in Serving You" West 4th Ridgeway 232-4165.

The Courier from Waterloo, Iowa (2024)


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You can get the waybill number from The Courier Guy or the sender (if you are the recipient of the shipment). It is usually found on the shipping invoice or receipt.

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EDIT: Ulysses also says himself that HE was Courier 6; from his dialogue file in Lonesome Road, when you ask him who he is and what he wants: "I'm a courier. Courier Six... was Courier Six. Like you - and not like you, in all the ways that matter".

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Name: Otha Schamberger

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.