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s' PAGE TWO mOnday "august is 1941 PIAL 2133 DIAL 2133 I tk Says Vows In Ceremony Here Cross Stitch' Panel i she jr 51 99 and BY MRS ANNE CABOT at The War Today Sep ull of Patriotism A and Lady Logroller one rank Smith and a Mr and Mrs Kester Mrs Birth Announcement Two Honeys Hit in Hollywood HOME IHWE SMALL LOAN 8 MASONIC BLOG MARTINSVILLE VA DIAL 3169 JAS SMITH Mor (OpQOfltt Thu Jnffpt Ja!) TROXLER URNITURE CO VIAL 7162 AYETTE STREET A 4 fiaaM EASIST TERMS Julian Kester and Dodd Bryant are On a fishing trip to Lake Crest Mr and Mrs Eugene Hill of Winston Salem Cf are visitors here for the funeral of Taylor Mr and Mrs rank Mays are spending this week in New York sprinkle ignites it a tank of the guest of Mr Kester Church Largest living cells known io exist today are ostrich egg ydlks Mr and Mrs A Richardson Mr and Mrs Richardson and daughter Ann and Miss Edith Campbell spent the week end at ort Eustis and Virginia Beach with Lieut Robert Richardson lush riveting is now being us ed on many airplanes produced by a plant supplying' United States and Britain with pursuit ships Such riveting is said to rut resis tance down giving more speed Mr and Mrs rank Hooker and children left today for a 1 i a Beach where they will spend two weeks Miss Camellia Cobbler of igs boro has returned home after spending last week as the guest of Miss Edith Campbell Spring street Mrs Whitener and chil dren and Mrs Gregory and children have returned from Caro lina Beach wjiere they spent several weeks A heating power equal to one ton of soft coal is contained in a cord of hard maple oak beech ash of hickory wood Mrs Barry who is an ac cident patient at Shackelford hos pital is getting along nicely Mrs Tawney Pratt Mrs Lawless and loyd Alley are patients at Shackelford hospital Reports covering 19 10 show that 27300000 passenger cars regis tered in tne united states marked up a record of 35000000 times when the garageman had to come to the rescue The star constel lation travels around the north star counter clockwise Mr and Mrs Townes spent the week end at Manteo Roanoke Island Automobile manufacturers now making shells for national defense have the manufacture down to a production scale with operations on 75 mm shells down to 36 indi vidual operations Robert Minter and Bobby and John Mintei are on a tour of lorida The population of Boston de ercased from 781188 in 1930 to 769520 in 1940 Among the things which may be traced to dirty or worn spark plugs are difficult starting high fuel consumption loss of power at high speed and missing at low or idling speed Mrs Wiley William Brown above was Miss rances Anne Minter daughter of Mr and Mrs William Silos her marriage here on Saturday in a quiet ceremony at the home of herparents Misses Gertrude Schriebfeder and Marjorie usfejd have return ed from their vacation spent in the Berkshire mountains at Wing dale Mr and Mrs Schriebfeder Mrs Lewis usfcld and Gary us feld spent the week end in Beck ley Va Notices Mailed to Bulletin Must Be Signed ormer Legislator Stricken at Suffolk problems which by the parents By cooperation authorities and and the home kept a healthy PHILCO Quafify RERIGERATOR During the fiscal year of 1940 227000000 meals were served to 300000 boys at a cost of 13 cents a meal This handsome partel wiUdelight the cross stitch fans! It is done in five colors and the design is reminiscent of the early American samplers The gallant old fashioned gentleman present ing a bouquet of cross stitch posies to the pretty girl makes a charming picture The panel is 10 by 13 inches and the two figures are 4 inch es high Cross stitch this gay design in yellow orange green brown and little touches of red It will make a delightful and friendly wall panel for your guest room or for the front entrance hall To obtain transfer pattern for Guest Panel (Pattern No 5199) color chart for cross stitch amounts of material and floss Specified send 10 cents in COIN YOUR NAME and ADDRESS and the PATTERN NUMBER to Anne Cabot The Daily Bul letin 106 Seventh Avenue New York City Mrs Albert Zilenziger has re turned "to her home oh Rives Road after being a patient at Shackel ford hospital TOKYO (AP) United States Ambassador Joseph Grew held a lengthy confer ence late today with Japanese oreign Minister Teijiro Toy oda and it was reported their discussion was of the utmost importance Grew went to the foreign of fice at 4 arid had not returned to the embassy two hours later Before he saw Toyoda Eu gene Dooman counselor of the United States embassy was closeted with Japanese vice foreign minister Eigi Amau The subjects of the discus sions were not disclosed The United States depart announcement on the steamer President Coolidge was reported reliably being studied closely and seriously by the foreign office Washington said Saturday that Japan had refused clear ance papers to the ship tf it sought to move the more than 100 private American citizens now in Japan Miss Mae Hooker will return Tuesday from Camp Deerwoode near xsrevara in wnere spent the past two months ville and Mrs Bassett During 1940 the passenger cars of the United States traveled 498 billion passenger miles Of this figure more then half of the miles traveled were for business purposes Mr and Mrs Miss Eleanor Smith of Norfolk are the guests of Mrs Mary Kuy kendall Broad street August is boom time for Peggy Klaux 16 year old Kelso Wash high school girl With caulked boots and rolled pant legs she joins lumberjacks keeping Cowlitz river In rrnv' Grew in Lengthy Conference With Japanese Leaders Visitors Given Round of Parties Miss Ann Holland of Edge water IS and Mrs Julian street riendly reverent sendee for any in come Phone 4170 PALISADES PARK (AP) Bee Kyle posed to Secre tary Ickes today ths question whether she should in the inter est of national cease be ing a human torch Nightly Miss Kyle herself with gasoline and dives 80 feet into water covered with flaming gas oline the summer season I use over 300 gallons of she telegraphed Petroleum Co Ordin ator Ickes if you feel that such use is wasteful will be glad to change my There wasn't a press agent In sight when she made her an nouncement NEW YORK (AP) Three women were trampled tto death and 60 other persons were injured yesterday: as 10 000 Negroes stampeded hys terically on a Hudson nverpier "after many of them learned they had paid $125 each Jof counterfeit excursion tickets After 1400 persons 'bad 5 boarded the 3100 passenger boat State of Delaware offi cials of a Harlem lodge spon soring the outing ordered a closer examination of tickets Word Of the situation swept through the gaily clad basket carrying and good natured jostling gave way to angry shouts and hysterical pushing Clothes were torn lunch baskets crushed and men wo men and children were knock ed down and trampled as the crowd tried to force its way aboard the boat Order was restored only after police instructed the boat officials to pull away from the pier As the crowd dispersed the bodies of Manon Worrell 48 Rose Grant 50 and Martha Murrame 54 were found In an effort to place re sponsibilty for the sale of the counterfeit tickets police held 15 of the excursionists Mr and Mrs Sites Mrs Mary Montgomery were guests Sunday of and Mrs rank Buck at Vinton Just look at these features? ail 6 cu ft capacity Dry Cold Moist Cold and rozen ood Com bartments Phiko SUPER Power System ulbwidth Sliding Crisper Drawer Huge Meat Storage Com partment Reserve Stonge Bin Many other features the wan scheduled to mfcet tonight 7:30 nu nas oeen postponedweek to Monday August 25 Seems crazy butmoviemakers gave this 'pair 6f pretty persons the flufi offuntil recentlyNow Kaaren Verne right and Nancy Coleman draw regular paychecks Miss Verne is a fugitive from Her 1 BY DeWITT MacKENZIE I The Nazis have made a big gain 1 in their Ukraine drive by captur ing the great naval port and in dustrial center of Nikolaev and Krivoi Rog center of most productive iron mining area 1 but taking a long view of the posi tion it must be said that this slam win the rubber The really vital factor as this column has been insisting is whether Soviet Marshal Budyenny 1 has been able to make strategic retirement to fresh defenses It is significant that the Muscovites report having withdrawn from both Nikolaev and Krivoi Rog and there is no indication of great loss of men or material We overlook either the tip the Russians give us in saying that they are counterattacking heavily the northern flank of the Nazi advance into the Ukraine In short it seems highly pro bable that Budyenny has pulled back large forces to defenses a little farther east behind the Dnei per river It strikes me that he must make a stand here along a line which will have as its south ern extremity the famous Crimea with its strong defenses both land and naval Strong Red orces must of course have been left for the de fense of Odessa the great naval base which presumablyvill be the scene of a fierce fight If we as sume that the onrushing Germans will capture Odessa and it seems likely that they will then those Bolshevist troops in this area will be in a precarious position However the loss of Odessa or even of the troops defending it will not be decisive The German high command re peats that the enemv shows signs of afraid heard this same line for so many weeks now that while we be careless enough to treat it as a gry of we must insist on being shown before accepting the statement The indications are that when the smoke of battle has cleared away about Odessa we shall find the old Cossack Budyenny carry ing on behind the new line I have indicated If this is what happens Budy enny will be fulfilling his mission by keeping Hitler from making a quick conquest and by forcing the uehrer to fight on into the win ter a long way round to the Caucasus on the border of Iran (Persia) toward which the Nazi chieftain is driving his troops Despite this the Anglo Russian alliance is taking no chances on Herr Hitler thrusting down into Persia to cut the Russian lifeline to the Persian gulf Word from London is that the British and Reds are about to deliver Persia an ultimatum to clean some 5000 mans out of the country and thus prevent their cooperation with the advancing Nazi forces As was indicated in tms col umn last week in forecasting such a move not only is it vital to the Allies to keep Hitler from getting an army into Persia but this coun try must provide an important route for supplies both American and British for the Russians It also would be the highway for a British expeditionary force into Russia should such aid become ne Rev and Mrs Price Honored at Picnic 1 Miss Martha Barbour and Mitchell entertained at a picnic supper riday evening honoring the Rev and Mrs Robert Price of Clarkdale Arizona who are the guests of Dr and Mrs Price Starling avenue and other rela tives in the city for several weeks With The Red Cross Nurse To the parents of the child al ready attending school there is also a definite obligation In order for your child to be the best possible student he must have all defects corrected If it has been recommended that he has a defect in his vision hear ing teeth throat or weight you owe it to your child to have these defects corrected Your familyphysician can give you the beet ad vise on correcting them If you find that because of financial dif ficulties you are unable to correct these defects consult your Red Cross nurse for advice and she may be able to direct you in some means of helping the child to nor mal health Correcting of defects will not as sure permanent health It is your responsibility to see that the child is kent in a good physical condi tion by correct diet sleep exer cise and a suitable environment where the child may receive the best attention possible Each child is an individual and has individual (should be treated with great care with the health school authorities your child can be normal student throughout his school years Martinsville was invaded by out of town guests over the week end 5 Invited invaders of course who became the incentive and the Baain attraction for a number of parties Margaret Shackelford had the out of town guests members of the Saturday night club and their escerts for a buffet supper served the garden Saturday evening at her home on Church street Sara Whittle was hostess at a party following the dance at the vv Country Club Saturday night and ZtRi Townes had a swimming i plrty at her country home Charlotte Simmons invited the out of town guests and several others to Sunday dinner at her honhe on Starling avenue Visitors there Ann DuBose 'of New Rhode Island and rances Lewis of Atlantic City guests Dan Correll of Portsmouth visiting Claude Tay Tor JrPaul Toms Jim Woodson iof Salisbury and Carolyn Boxley Roanoke guests of Holtie Whittle James Dorrier Scotts ville James Cheatham Appomat tjMc and Russell Major ront Royal Clyde visitors Margaret Gold Swindell Wilson and Jinnette Hood Ports m6uth guests of Helen ord: and Borden Sisk of Greensboro Lowman Tyler of Wagner and Charles Lindsay of Spartan burg visiting Jesse Booker and Bill airchild of Charlotte Sara guest Sunday night Holtie Whittle en tertained at a dinner for them her home on Starling avenue The average American home uses artifical light seven hours a day during December? and 2 1 2 hours daily during June Three Women Die In Melee on Boat Nursing Class Holds Organization Meeting The class in Red Cross Home Nursing sponsored by the Henry county chapter of the American Red Cross and organized for the benefit of the colored women of Martinsville and Henry county got off to a splendid start last week Nurse La ord reported a large enrollment and stated that the class was very interested and enthusias tic The next meeting of the class will be Tuesday night August 19 at 7 in the Red Cross rooms MARTINSVILLE DAILV4BULLETINMARTIN SVILLEVA Clyde Hooker jr had as week end guests three classmates at Mi I James Dorrier Scottsville James Cheatham Appomattox and Russell Major of ront Royal and Mrs Huskey of Arlington were guests riday night of Mr and Mrs Townes Church street They re turned toArlington on Saturday and were accompanied by Miss Eleanor Townes who will visit there Negro Convicted on Rretense Charges Herbe'rt Martin ieldale Ne gro was sentenced to 30 days in jail suspended on condition of good behavior for two yars and as sessed costs in county trial justice court here today on a charge of obtaining merchandise under false pretense Martin was charged with ob taining a tire for his car from the Esso station at ieldale on credit under the name of Walker The tire was valued at $13 Mar tin was also ordered to pay for the tire On another charge Martin was fined $10 and costs for reckless driving He was arrested on this charge by Special Countv Officer A Stegall July 8 Two other defendants were fin ed $10 and costs for reckless driv ing They were Jdmison Bassett who was arrested near ieldale last Tuesday and William Henry ranklin ieldale who was arrested Thursday Ben Staples and Howard John son Negroes of near ieldale werefined $5 and costs for shooting at each other with a shot gun The incidept was said to have taken place after a fist fight be tween Johnson and Ben brother Solomon Booker Stultz and May Nichols were fined $20 and costs each for disorderly conduct The case of Herman Kelly op erator of the on Route 58 charged with operating a dance hall without a permit was continued until August 25 Ten drunks were fined $5 costs Radford Plant Near inal Completion PULASKI (AP) Colonel Mark Serrem commanding of ficer said work on the Radford Ordnance Works $44000000 smokeless powder plant near here substantially will be complete by September 6 anniversary of the start of construction Two lines now are in production at the plant and the third and last is expected to be ready for opera tions by September 6 The first line at the New River Ordance Works $11000000 load ing plant at Dublin is expected to go into partial operation on tember 15 he added Oak Level WMU Holds Meeting The of the Oak Level Baptist church held its monthly meeting last week at the home of A Mrs Young with seven mem bers and two visitors present Mrs Gene Brewer president led thedevotionals with Mrs Young and Mrs Wray fe in charge of discussions After the business and reports refreshments were served Mrs Ramsey will be hos tess at the next meeting on Sep timber 18 at her home SUOLK (AP) Harris 63 counsel for the Plant ers Nut and Chocolate company and former member of the Vir ginia House of Delegates from Suffolk and Nansemond county died here yesterday oi a heart at tack He served also as counsel for the armers Bank of Nansemond and ranked high among corporation lawyers in the Virginia Bar uneral services will be held tomorrow morning at Wakefield Surviving are his widow and two daughters Eggleston Minter Reunion August 31 The Efggleston and Minter fami reunion will be held Sunday August 31 it was announced to day The gathering will be at the Jim Norman place near Beckham church AU relatives of William Clay Eggleston and Mattie Min terh Eggleston are invited Those attending were requested to bring a picnic basket Auxiliary Meeting Postponed 1 The Auxiliary ofirst Baptist church which SOCIAL A NDCLUB ACTIVITI ES A After seven months the Army Winthrop Rockefeller turns up with a moustache corporal's stripes and a handsome tan looking quite different than he did when he first shouldered a duffle bag last January Perso na Is Mrs A Brown is spending a week with Mr and Mrs Andrew Blue at Myrtle Beach i Mr and Mrs: William Tur ner announce the birth of a son cn Monday August 18 at Shackel ford hospital Mr and Mrs Joe Lively jr and son Joe jr have returned from lorida where they spent last week visiting places of interest Miss Mary Carter of Philadel phia Pa is the guest of Mr and Mrs Whitener jr and Miss Mae Carter Church street What the Army Does for You Attend amily Dinner in Winston Mrs'H Dyer Miss Kather ijit Dyer Mrs I Groves Jr Mis Mamie Hundley and Mrs Al Hundley of Martinsville at tended the family party given by Helen Dyer Miss Mamie Dyer and Mrs Harold Avis at the Dyer home Winston Salem Saturday afternoon compli i meriting Miss Edith Womble whose engagement to Joe Dyer has ben recently announced Garden flowers decorated the home The hostesses presented a blanket in a chintz chest to the heneree dther members of the family present were: Mrs Womble Mrs Womble Mrs Gai ther Jenkins Mrs Bickford Long Ruth Womble Mrs Izlar Rossie izlar Mrs Dyer Mrs Dyer Misses Diana and Eli zabeth Dyer and Honey Bee Avis UNERALHOME German Says Should Watch Step BERLIN (AP) A German spokesman asserted today that the United States should reflect fore taking on the job of police man of the Comonting on possible conse quences of the Churchill Roose velt meeting he sold United States has a certain experience in being policeman over but he charged that Washington daily shows a lack of understand ing of the European situation "Decisions respecting the new order ar? not mpde in New York or he said rather by the vigorous and heal thy peonies of the new European community Their to or der their own lives will not be influenced by crazy ideas from oversees Pythian Sisters Will Meet Tonight The Pvthian Sisters will hold i called meeting tonight at 7 o'clock at the Pythian Castle Hall Low Down Payment 4 sWpJT WBRSI IWWi v01 MB! fir fc i 11 i i A 9 JSMB 7 gw wr tf in ii A il AAA I McKEE wS wr il IB It If ff: A' I I iMBBZSBHrT I.
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