Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana (2024)

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Journal and Courieri

Lafayette, Indiana

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9 riday Evening March 30 1951 county teacher in Delphi high (AP Wirephoto Map) National weather forecast based on maps prepared by Weather Bureau I 1 Age Name Phone Address I I State I Married? IT'S THE BEST WE HAVE OUND old of SV IN A OAM CONVOCATION SATURDAY MARCH 31 1951 8:00 PM MARYLA JONAS Vz Gal 129 Sponge 39c Polish Genius Everybody's looking at Downstairs Store of the Pianoforte' those heavenly carpets by LEES Purdue Hall of Music APRIL 2 12 X5 MARYLA JONAS The Ideal Closure fSlflODR WHEN? WHERE? Saturday Evening Church of Nazarene March 31 7:30 Beautiful organ music 12th and Elizabeth Sts WHY? at the WHO? All Youth and Their Parents WM ECKEL a resident of Japan Economical Bench included and Practical for HOMES Hammond Organ OICES INSTITUTIONS Lafayette Roofing and Supply Co Lake Vil Duttlinger and Mrs the sur hos COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS Vinton Homes Voters Should Check Status Residents of the Vinton home addition to the city have been reminded by County Clerk Jack Leevre that many of them do not qualify for voting in the city primary election May 8 Leevre estimates there are 400 prospective voters living in the area which comprises Precinct 32 who do not qualify for voting because of their registration sta tus He advised those persons to check this status at the county registration office immediately The deadline for voting regis tration prior to the primary elec tion is midnight April 9 Leevre said that most of the residents of Precinct 32 are not properly reg istered or are not registered at all ELIMINATE THAT WASTE SPACE! the Delphi and that from the and small ranklin Deadline Near Those who may qualify for age or survivors benefit payments have only a few days left in which to file social security in surance claims that may permit payments for last September warns Edward Hupe manager of the Lafayette social security office The amended Social Security law which went into effect last September provides for six back payments to those who qual ify for benefit payments Anyone who became eligible that month will lose the September payment unless application is made before March 31 Hupe said twin daughters to Mr and Mrs Bernice 1 a Rensselaer (daughter to Mr and Mrs Charles Marlin Rensselaer daughter to Mr and Mrs John Stone Rensse laer daughter to Mr and Mrs Melvin Albright Roselawn daugh ter to Mr and Mrs Jack Stelling werf DeMotte Dismissals: Mrs Louis Kar nowsky and son Mrs Norris Deardurff and daughter Max Rob inson Mrs Virgil Sapp and daugh ter Johnny Michael Marlene Schini Mrs Janice Spillers Mrs Ellis Edwards and son Mrs Le roy Shipley and daughter Gordon Owen has returned to the home of his parents in law Mr and Mrs Elmer Jacks after spending 19 months in veterans hospitals at Indianapolis and Wau kesha Wis He will remain there until he recovers Miss Pauline Simonin daughter of Mr and Mrs Sherman Simon in and James Bailey son of Mr and Mrs Arnold Bailey were mar ried in the Presbyterian church LAAYETTE JOURNAL AND COURIER patient in St Elizabeth hospital is slowly recovering Mr and Mrs Gordon Cadwalder enter tained 12 boys in their home in Dayton honoring Ross Bruer who expects to be called to Army serv ice soon Games were played and refreshments served Roy Tay lor and family have moved from Brookston to Ash Grove Mr and Mrs John Wettschurack of Lafayette and Mr and Mrs Stan ley Lewis Wells and children of Klondike were easter dinner guests of Sidney Bone and fam ily Mrs Roy wuson is a gical patient in the Home pital ATTENTION YOUNG WOMEN LIBERTY CHAPEL Revival meetings will continue each evening at 7:30 clock in the EUB church Rev Highly the pastor has charge of the services Liberty Chapel Aid society will meet in the home of Mrs Eva Wesner Wednes day afternoon April 4 at 1:30 The assisting committee will include Mrs Clyde Grandstaff Mrs Roy Wilson and Mrs Doro thy Dyder Jean ugerson and family have moved to the farm which they recently purchased known as the Asa Miller farm Mrs Basil Minnear a surgical the imple epace sav inir solution to every door 'problem in your home No more areas that are needed with the conven tional door OLDOOR folds compactly and the space saved is added to your room ment in Chicago and is improving Sherman ife employed by the Carroll Telephone Co suffered an injury to his right leg in a freak accident while at work A piece of loose pavement on a highway where he was working was run over by a passing truck tossed Into the air then striking ife on a leg breaking a small bone Mr and Mrs Clark Haines entertained at their home cele brating the birthdays of their son oster Haines and of Mrs Lucy Young of West Lafayette grand mother of Mrs oster Haines Among those from away attend ing were Mr and Mrs Harold Young of rankfort Mrs Ro berta Goltry and Dolph Nelson of Logansport A 16 year old Doors open at 7:30 No reserved seats ONE ROOM OR TWO? Carey admitted from a billfold armory dressing he had taken gasoline Stuntz Yeoman quarry items from the Ben store in Delphi David Baum Carroll prosecutor has filed an affidavit against Raymond Plant 33 of Lafayette charging him with as sault and battery He is alleged tw have molested a young Delphi girl in her home His bond has been set at $1000 He had been held in the Carroll county jail on a vagrancy charge until the affidavit was filed Carl Cowing 65 of lora pleaded guilty to a charge of in toxication in the court of Justice Rossie Dem in Delphi and was fined $1 and costs totalling $1185 He had hired a driver to take him from rankfort to lora and allegedly became abusive to the driver The latter stopped at the Shaffer service station at Ockley and called Carroll county officers who went there and arrested Cow ing Marriage licenses were issued in Delphi to loyd Siebold of New Haven and Adele Bade of ort Wayne William Hayden of Mr and Mrs James Hayden of Delphi and Peggy Ann daughter of Mr and Mrs of near Delphi Smith who was ap city clerk treasurer when Popejoy resigned that of become postmaster has a candidate for the office city primary So far the who naa City Education TIPPECANOE COUNTY HOLINESS ASSOCIATION ifc an investment in the that only beautiful organ music can bring you Whether you like rollicking popular music senti mental heart songs or the beauty dignity and power of classical works the wonderful Spinet Model Hammond Organ can bring them all to you And easiest of all organs to play This wealth of rich music is available to you now at the lowest price in years the best music in die world a complete two manual and pedal organ with the beauty of big organ tone No installation charges practicallyno upkeep cost cordially invited to visit us soon to see hear and play the Spinet Model Hammond Organ Ramseyer Piano Co Warehouse Bldfr 12th and Main Sts You con have both with OLDOOR! Combines din ing room privacy with liv ing room spaciousness Easily and quickly in stalled in old homes or new as Cliffton visited relatives at Somerset Ky Mr and Mrs Kenneth Kellar Lafayette were guests of Mrs Besse Kellar Mr and Mrs Gay "Mills i Garv visited Mrs Jennett Smith Sgt alwell and daugh ters of Scott field Ill and Janet Sizelove of Normal Ill were guests of Mr and Mrs Brown Mr and Mrs William Nunnally Indianapolis were guests of Mr and Mrs Charles Nunnally Mr and Mrs rank Menefee and Janet of Wolcott were Sun day guests of Mrs Ella Menefee Dr and Mrs Smith have returned from lorida T285 (fob Chicago) Self contained tana equipment Clyde Joseph 26 of northern Jas per coqnty was found Wednesday Bight under the wreckage of his automobile five miles north of Rensselaer His car allegedly side swiped a truck and was badly damaged He was taken to the Jasper county hospital where he was treated for cuts and bruises and later taken to jail on an in toxication Three more men entered Ahe race for city council nominations They are William Platt McKin ley Teach and Albert Leavel This makes a total of nine in the field It is understood that Wen dell Martin present councilman is not a candidate and that Jo seph Critser not run again Howard Randle Waldo Garrigus and Russell Hadley are seeking re election Lawrence Uiff has returned from Phoenix Ariz Mrs Iliff and Mrs Sam Iliff will remain in 4 Phoenix for three or four more urcknlri AT THE HOSPITAL I Jasper county hospital notes i Surgical patients admitted: Ra mona Hischfield Rensselaer Mar i lene Schini Remington Johnney Michael Rennsselaer Sue Evans DeMotte Nina Martindale Rens selaer Miss Alice Garrard Moroc co Medical patients admitted: Jane Kanne and Emma Nuss Rensse I laer Mary Dunham DeMotte I Bernice Kwiatkowski i laze: Mrs Teresa Wheatfield and rank Marshall i Rensselaer Births: Daughter to Mr and i Mrs Arthur Wisner Remington Hoteties Coinmunicntioniste ICewrvationtats Qt 79c Gals 195 LOOR COVERINGS Third loor A 16 year old Rockfield youth apprehended by Sheriff tne uieiL ui in room carpet fashion opening 16 Second Street Phones 2249 4755 DEALERSHIPS CONTACT US OR INORMATION Very Entertaining and To Help You Succeed in Your Life's Work lowest price in years! Jasper Man Jailed After Car Wreck The Commercial Airlines are calling on us for more rrsoiinel than we can supply Airline expansions are creating many new jobs also vacancies due to marriagr etc must be filled ind out today you can qualify for one of these desirable positions Adm: Passport Season Ticket or $150 (inc tax) COMING: Wednesday April 11 CORNELIA OTIS SKINNER ALL SEATS RESERVED Top Essays Picked In Delphi Contest DELPHI March Robert Bradshaw and Marjorie Treichel were winners of the American Legion auxiliary Americanism es say contest in the high (school division and William GrOs and Joan Jones were winners in the junior high school Mrs William Smith Americanism chairman has been in charge of the contest Harry Reed Delphi insur ance man spoke to the Rotary club telling of his recent trip through the West TEACHER NAMED Robert Jerry of Brazil has been employed to teach in the Delphi school He will take the place of teachers who have been re called to service He is working on a degree at Indiana State Teachers college and has taught a year at owler The wedding of Miss Dorothy Deak school and Carl Quentin Clem of Cutler was solemnized in Bethel Brethren church as Osceola The couple is living on the Sarah Mosier farm east of Ockley ILES OR CLERK John pointed Walter fice to filed as for the only other candidate filed was Charles Wood for mayor Both candidates are Republicans Jim Cole a patient in Hines Veterans hospital near Chicago visited his parents Mr and Mrs Raymond Cole for several days Mr and Mrs Logan Arnold of Chicago will spend the week end with the mother Mrs Mary Arnold Miss Mary Jo Arn old daughter of the latter Mrs Arnold underwent a serious eye operation several weeks ago The membrane of the eyeball was in fected after she accidentally ran a finger into the eye while wash ing her hair It was necessary to remove the membrane from the eyeball She is now at her apart in a hurry gotten colors HOLINESS YOUTH CRUSADE or full information send coupon to Central Schools co I Journal Courier Box 95 I would like to qualify for an airline career Wesleyan Methodist Church 21st and Schuyler Ave April I to 15 Services each Evening 7:30 Rev Glenn McKinley Houghton Evangelist Rev John Snyder rankfort Song Evangelist Cleans rugs and upholstery restores for Wm Eckel for eiahteen years is Jo be the guest speaker at the Church of the Nazarene comer of 12th and Elizabeth Streets this Saturday evening at 7:30 Rev Eckel learned the Japanese language be fore English due to the fact that his father who was a missionary as well as a commissioned officer in the Japa nese government in the Educational department took him from at infancy Wm EckeL who received his AB THB and MJL degrees at Pasadena College Pasadena Calif atthe re quest of his denomination wrote a book entitled "Japan Now" dealing with the transition of Japan from a feudal istic and fatalistic outlook to a Christian ideology4 He has been extended a membership in the Honorary Interna tional Mark Twain Society for his efforts toward better in ternational understanding He is being sponsored by the Tippecanoe County Holiness Association (A Male Quartette from Pilgrim College will render music) Boswell Seniors To Give Comedy The Senior class of Boswell high school will present the three act comedy for in the school gymnasium riday evening April 6 at 8 Members of the cast are Marilyn Hunt Norma McDaniel Pat Griffis Barbara Hetrick Lois Wagner rank Barrett Russell elix Ronnie Larch and Howard McDonald Maux Christensen is stage manager Carftlyn Cook a seventh grade pupil and Wanda Purcell a fresh man won silver medals in the YTC speech contest in the Pres byterian church MINISTER LEAVES Rev and Mrs Sims Dee were dinner guests of Cora Brown and left! in afternoon for their new home at Bristol Tenn Brotherhood will meet in the Presbyterian church Sunday April 8 at 7:30 with Ken neth oreman as speaker Re freshments will be served WCTU INSTITUTE Mrs Paul Halladay of North Manchester national Spiritual Life secretary of the WCTU will be the afternoon speaker at an in stitute of the Benton County WCTU in the home of Mrs Sarah Sigler Thursday April 5 The meeting will begin at 11 a with a pitch in dinner at 12 noon A program will be given in the afternoon Mrs Belle Timmons observed her 95th birthday Sunday with a family dinner at noon Guests in cluded Carrabelle ix RN In dianapolis Mr and Mrs Thornton Attica and Harry Huff man Chicago' riends 'called in the afternoon Mrs Timmons re ceived flowers and other gifts Capt Norman Graves son of Mr and Mrs Lou Graves has returned to Spokane Wash and is being transferred to Marih field Cal Capt Graves has been stationed in Japan for eight months and made many flights over Korea Mr and Mrs Marion German and Mrs Harold Kline spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs Donald Bonnema at Knox John Deer Lafayette and Miss Tressie Rains Chicago were guests of Mrs Ella Deer Robert Eichenberger Lafayette visited friends here Sunday Mr and Mrs William Dalton Mrs Anna Lorton and Mrs Thom Phone or See Us or urther Information Exclusive In Lafayette and Vicinity at With the Cornice for That "inished your answer to new convenience more space new beauty and flexibility of room arrangement OLDOOR with the cornice for that and concealed tracks eliminates the waste space caused by conventional doors aids in sound proofing your rooms and supplies a touch to your rooms with the wide selection of colors fabrics are vinyl plastic coated for long life and easy clean ing OLDOOR comes in sizes for the conventional door and can be made to order for any odd size closures OLDOOR Is the economical solution to the problem usable space in the same the smartest thing in doors! i luS WfATHf BUJtfAU MAP '7 60 I I 36 I 4177 of fntipitartoat Expected TomqM 11 4 Temperature igure Show Avfige tar Area tL jLx 60 Arrow Denote Wind low Weather Conditions As 60 1 1 30 A EST Mgr 30 Might and tow inches xl Ji T' I 3 gwnri a i Ko Kir zX liriMMKHII iii mwn r'i 11 jiim ww fi I 1 fflj JfTff SX 4' Ss fife S' IB fS 'JbiL jaaaaini I SBr a fl I I I Tri ST 51 jfTl it in jp1 in.

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Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.