How To Turn Off Auto Repair War Thunder (2024)

1. Turning off automatic repair - General Discussion - Forums - War Thunder

  • Meer resultaten van

  • I have read a few topics about turning off the auto repair function to save SL. I cannot find the option to do this in any of the menus. Can someone please help.

2. Huge Improvement For Repair Costs - Forums

  • For those that have considered turning off auto repair, the game will now prompt you to repair as you click the ready button. Previously this only happened ...

  • For those that have considered turning off auto repair, the game will now prompt you to repair as you click the ready button. Previously this only happened if you were squad leader, now it also happens if you are not leader. I asked for this change and pleased they put it in. Turn off your auto repair.

3. Something wrong with repair function? - War Thunder Forum

4. Add a "confirm you want to go to battle" button - War Thunder Forum

  • 19 jun 2023 · If you turn off automatic repair, you will actually get the prompt, so you cant automaticly go into the next battle without clicking that button ...

  • I am tired of smashing my keyboard after yet another lost game and ending up in a battle because i accidentally hit “Enter”. Please add some sort of confirmation to the “to battle” button. I lose more SL than i earn every game still and i cant keep this up.

5. Mass disable Autorepair - [Oxygen Not Included] - General Discussion

  • 17 nov 2018 · No, I mean specifically doing it via -priority-, not just via 'disable auto-repair'. With a-r, you have to individually select each which is ...

  • I have hundreds of sacrificial tiles to prevent the degredation of my dupes asteroid from the meteor storms, I do not want my dupes to keep repairing the broken tiles, is there a way to mass select tiles to disable auto repair. I can't find a way to do this without selecting each of the 1000's of...

6. REMOVE Gaijin Bots - Navy - War Thunder — official forum

  • 18 feb 2024 · Fires on auto, other two on manual, cancel repairs when you catch fire. Exactly the same advantage to doing it well in both modes. Sneak ...

  • So To get the same awareness in RB all you have to do is spam-click the target button around the horizon at all times. Yeah, sometimes you find out what a vehicle is or who’s driving it in AB sooner, but the mechanics are the same, and most of the time I have just as much situational awareness in RB as I do in AB with markers by doing that. The lead indicator time mechanics in both modes are exactly the same, there’s no difference under the hood. The only difference is the U/I in AB. That’s wh...

7. How to Turn Off War Thunder Auto Launch - Playbite

  • To stop War Thunder from auto-launching, open the game launcher, go to settings, and uncheck the 'launch automatically on boot' option. Easy peasy!

8. WT Live // Image by TataQS_PL

  • Yea, it is pretty simple, just turn off auto repair and use different vehicles. ... War Thunder. Content. All posts Images Videos Camouflages Sights Missions ...

  • #warthunder #live_wt #workshop AIR AB :: Instructions for broke people how not to pay for the repair of machines. (Polish) Instrukcja dla spłukanych jak nie płacić za naprawę maszyn.

9. Auto-repaired turn off?? - Prusa Forum

  • 12 jan 2021 · Auto-repaired turn off?? I have a model that results in this error with I attempt to slice it. I there any way to turn this of as I would ...

  • I have a model that results in this error with I attempt to slice it. I there any way to turn this of as I would like to see how it prints? &nbs...

10. Who Has More Silver Lions Than me? :P - War Thunder Forum

  • 17 okt 2023 · lol, thats veryyy low. Why not turn off auto repair? Iluminas October 17, 2023, 10:50pm ...

  • Looks like youre lying

11. Submit a request under Jordan's Principle

  • 29 dec 2023 · Jordan's Principle responds to unmet needs of First Nations children no matter where they live in Canada. Different levels of government ...

  • Jordan's Principle responds to unmet needs of First Nations children no matter where they live in Canada.

12. How to Turn Off Auto Update in War Thunder - Playbite

  • To turn off auto update in War Thunder, just go to the War Thunder launcher settings and uncheck the auto-updates option. That should do the trick!

How To Turn Off Auto Repair War Thunder (2024)


How To Turn Off Auto Repair War Thunder? ›

To turn off auto repair in War Thunder, go to the 'Game Options' menu, find the 'Vehicle' tab, and uncheck 'Automatic Repairs'. It's a game-changer for managing your Silver Lions!

How do I turn off auto update in War Thunder? ›

You'll need to open the War Thunder launcher, click on the wrench icon (settings), and then uncheck the box that says 'auto update' under the 'General' tab. Who needs auto-updates? Just uncheck it in the launcher settings.

How do I turn off auto roll in War Thunder? ›

To turn off auto roll in War Thunder, go to the 'Options' menu, select 'Controls,' then navigate to the 'Instructor' tab and uncheck 'Use Instructor in All Control Modes. ' Then hit 'Apply' and you're all set!

What does control mode do in War Thunder? ›

Control mode – realistic. The Instructor is disabled (can control only propulsion system). The arcade boosts mentioned in the table do not actually affect control and are exceptions of the physical vehicle model. These exceptions are active only in Arcade Battles and are aimed at increasing the pace of gameplay.

How do I permanently delete War Thunder? ›

How to install/uninstall War Thunder
  1. Run the game launcher, go to its settings screen and switch off the Auto Update feature. After that you will be able to uninstall the game completely.
  2. Go to Control Panel -> Uninstall a program.
  3. Select War Thunder Launcher in the Programs List and press uninstall.

How do you turn off faster in War Thunder? ›

You can slam the throttle wide open, and you'll be rolling along wasting thrust while the engine actually picks up. Always hold B, wind the throttle up, bit by bit until it JUST starts rolling, then let go of the brakes, get to 'speed' being about 180-200 kmh, and flick out your tagkeoff flaps. You'll then be airborne.

Does War Thunder have an anti cheat? ›

1. Check that the used antivirus is compatible with the Easy Anti-Cheat protection system and add the folder with the protection system to the exceptions list of your antivirus. For War Thunder: Add EAC to your antivirus exceptions.

How to lock radar in War Thunder? ›

Obtaining and maintaining a radar lock

You can change the selected target by pressing the "Select radar target to lock on" key, when the "Lock radar target on" key is pressed it will turn on the tracking radar and automatically attempt to lock on to the selected target.

How do I turn off my engine in War Thunder? ›

An engine won't function without being turned on, of course. To start or turn off an engine, the default key is "I" and is available on all aircraft, independent of MEC settings.

How to turn off automatic updates in War Thunder? ›

then open the windows task manager and go into the 'startup' tab. look if the the gjagent.exe (Gaijin.Net agent) is still listed there as 'enabled' (or at all) - set it to disabled (right-click on it to get a menu i think it was ^^) and it should be gone...

How do I turn off auto stabilization in War Thunder? ›

Near the bottom of the aircraft controls for mouse-aim is the instructor category. "Auto-restricts control of the airplane near the ground" set to no.

How do I turn on the stabilizer in War Thunder? ›

Controls -> tank control -> Camera control -> Stabilizer mode -> Set to what you want.

What is seeker automatic stabilization in War Thunder? ›

A player has to switch weapons manually. This prevents accidental launches. Game option “Seeker automatic stabilisation” was added. If the option is disabled, seeker stabilisation of the weapon with optical guidance is enabled and disabled manually in the same way it is done for targeting optics and TGP.

What does sight stabilization do in War Thunder? ›

The ultimate in gun stabilizing system, the two-plane stabilizer represents very stable steadiness with a stabilizing function of the horizontal and vertical axis. This gives a very smooth gun sighting when traveling on cross-country terrain.

How do I stop War Thunder from freezing? ›

I ran diagnostics on my CPU, GPU, and RAM in case it was my worst fear and my computer was failing. I reinstalled War Thunder twice, along with my graphics drivers. I switched my graphics settings from medium to minimum: this seemed to make the freezing slightly shorter and more infrequent.

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

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Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.